Non-charitable grants: supporting projects not eligible for charitable funds
Through Funding for Social Change Ltd, Network can provide non-charitable grants to projects which are outside the charitable mainstream. Such projects may have a campaigning aspect, be not yet adequately constituted for a charitable grant, or be based overseas.
Grants awarded by Funding for Social Change Ltd can address marginal or untested areas and concerns, and reach groups that may find it harder to attract funds. About 20% of our funding is non-charitable. Such grants made in 2023-24 are listed below.
All projects funded by Network satisfy our criteria for being legal, non-violent and non-party political.
Non-charitable Major Project grants 2023-24
Most of our funding for major projects is charitable, however in 2023-24, as part of the Labour Rights major project, we funded non-charitably:
- New Organising Conference brings together people from different backgrounds organising for workplace justice.
Non-charitable Major Project grants 2024-25
We have one new non-charitable Major Project beginning in 2024-25:
- Fossil Fuels and Insurance Mothers Rise Up, is a grassroots campaign group who combine specialist skills and creativity to fight for climate justice, and our funds will enable work focusing on insurance of fossil fuel investments.
Non-charitable Pools grants 2023-24
Generally one-off funding up to £20,000. There is one round per year. Non-charitable Pools grants in 2023-24 were:
- Airwars Monitoring policy and practice on the protection of civilians in conflict, encouraging new approaches to civilian protection
- ARTCRY Funding and support programme for artists creating politically responsive work
- Decolonising Economics Core costs towards developing a solidarity economy movement rooted in racial justice
- Demilitarise Education UK University Tour for the Demilitarise Education Treaty Alliance
- Drone Wars UK Challenging the growing militarisation of space from a human security and environmental perspective
- ForcesWatch Researching and challenging the influence of military interests in the UK Parliament
- Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME) Promoting the Social Guarantee which aims to create universal access to life’s essentials within environmental limits
- T.A.P The African Pot Project Empowering women and girls in Uganda through education, raising awareness and providing reusable sanitary pads
- Tax Justice UK Challenging low tax narratives and working for raised taxes on wealth, to boost public spending and tackle inequality
- Tipping Point North South Improving transparency and reporting of military emissions via submissions to and lobbying of various UNFCCC processes and member countries
Non-charitable Fast Track grants 2023-24
Generally one-off funding of £5,000 – £8,000. In 2023-24 we awarded 24 non-charitable Fast Track grants through 4 funding rounds. Grants were:
- Airwars Documenting and preserving every allegation of civilian harm in the Gaza Strip and Israel
- Cool Down Sport for Climate Action Network Using sport as a powerful tool for engaging communities on climate change, through key global sporting events
- Dog Section Press Expanding distribution of DOPE Magazine, supporting its vendors who are often homeless and excluded from other forms of support
- Earth Thrive Protecting the highly biodiverse Balkan area, which is under threat from extraction by deforestation and mining
- Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Reforestation and building energy efficient stoves with a community in Marange, Zimbabwe
- Growing with Grace Limited Developing a model and action plan for organic social prescribing in a rurally sparse area via a co-operative community farm in North Yorkshire
- iGrow Lanka Promoting sustainable agriculture in an underserved community in Sri Lanka
- Independent Creating a documentary podcast exploring how financial stress and trauma is perpetuated in our current economy
- International Federation of Iraqi Refugees Preventing the forced deportation of Iraqi refugees
- Just Treatment Organising with a small cohort of young people and their parents to challenge the corporate interests driving the youth mental health crisis
- Living Rent Supporting tenants to meet, organise and receive training to win changes to housing legislation in Scotland
- Make Votes Matter Campaigning to enable Welsh Councils to adopt Proportional Representation for local council elections
- Missing Third Project Building the next generation of women leaders through capacity building and mentorship workshops in Kenya
- Reclaim the Power Supporting Climate Camp 2024, a summer mass-action camp against Drax, the single biggest carbon emitter in the UK
- Save Our Safer Streets in Tower Hamlets Supporting a legal challenge to safeguard healthy streets, clean air and community wellbeing in Tower Hamlets
- Solidarity Economy Association Campaigning to demilitarise Turkish-occupied Alouk water station in order to solve the water crisis in North-East Syria
- Stay Grounded Network – Kollectiv Periskop Countering false narratives around Sustainable Aviation Fuel, and creating resources to illustrate the effects of biofuel and e-fuel production
- Sustainable Wellbeing Environment Network Building sustainable working cultures for the environmental movement
- T.A.P The African Pot Project Delivering promotional and networking events for the Black Women’s Reproductive Health Project
- The Glass Is Half Full Confronting the weaponisation of anti-semitism in relation to Palestinian censorship, through a film tour of EU cities
- War Resisters International Supporting local initiatives on conscientious objection to military service across Colombia to create a network for peaceful resistance
- We Smell Gas Working across the EU to resist an expanding Gas Industrial Complex
- Wyld Service CIC Campaigning to maintain wild camping rights on Dartmoor
- Young Co-operators Network Bringing together young people from across the UK to meet, build relationships, and explore the future of co-operation

Download 5-year Funding Reports in PDF format for Funding for Social Change Ltd.